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When you’re working on multiple projects at once, a timesheet is necessary. It will help you see how you’re spending your time and keep track of your billable hours.
Creating a timesheet shouldn’t be a task in itself. It should be quick, accurate, and something you can keep up with. While there are time-tracking apps out there (like you may want to start with a simple Excel or Google Docs spreadsheet.
Create a new spreadsheet and label it with your name and the dates that it covers. (Usually an entire month.) Feel free to add more information, such as a client’s name, if you are creating separate timesheets per client. Add a line for each week of that period. Within each line, create a column for “Project” and the date of each day of the week you plan to work (usually Monday-Friday, unless you are a work-a-holic.) Under the “Project” column, list out all of the projects you want to track for that week, using one line per project. On the line below your last project, add a line for “Totals” (for your time totals.)
When you’re done, you should have a bunch of blank cells under each date and on the “Total” line. This is where you will add your time.
If you’re not a fan of spreadsheets, check out software built specifically for timetracking like LessTimeSpent lets you track multiple projects and convert those timesheets into invoices. It even has a built-in stopwatch to track when you start and stop on projects.
Here’s an excel time tracking template.